Bioengineering FundamentalsThis is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For sophomore-level courses in Bioengineering, Biomedical Engineering, and related fields. A unifying, interdisciplinary approach to the fundamentals of bioengineering Now in its 2nd Edition, Bioengineering Fundamentals combines engineering principles with technical rigor and a problem-solving focus, ultimately taking a unifying, interdisciplinary approach to the conservation laws that form the foundation of bioengineering: mass, energy, charge, and momentum. The text emphasizes fundamental concepts, practical skill development, and problem-solving strategies while incorporating a wide array of examples and case studies. This 2nd Edition has been updated and expanded with new and clarified content, plus new homework and example problems. ISBN: 9780134637433, 0134637437
Bioengineering Fundamentals 2nd Edition Ebook (
Ann Saterbak; Ka-Yiu San; Larry V. McIntire
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