Biomass Fractionation Technologies for a Lignocellulosic Feedstock Based BiorefineryBiomass Fractionation Technologies for a Lignocellulosic Feedstock-based Biorefinery reviews the extensive research and tremendous scientific and technological developments that have occurred in the area of biorefinering, including industrial processes and product development using ‘green technologies’, often referred as white biotechnology. As there is a huge need for new design concepts for modern biorefineries as an alternative and amendment to industrial crude oil and gas refineries, this book presents the most important topics related to biomass fractionation, including advances, challenges, and perspectives, all with references to current literature for further study. Presented in 26 chapters by international field specialists, each chapter consists of review text that comprises the most recent advances, challenges, and perspectives for each fractionation technique. The book is an indispensable reference for all professionals, students, and workers involved in biomass biorefinery, assisting them in establishing efficient and economically viable process technologies for biomass fractionation.
Provides information on the most advanced and innovative pretreatment processes and technologies for biomass Reviews numerous valuable products from lignocelluloseDiscusses integration of processes for complete biomass conversion with minimum waste generationIdentifies the research gaps in scale-upPresents an indispensable reference for all professionals, students, and workers involved in biomass biorefinery, assisting them in establishing efficient and economically viable process technologies for biomass fractionation ISBN: 9780128023235, 0128023236